Industries, Private Hospitals & Nursing Homes (need to be signed on MOU for this purposes)
Purpose for which required. Please give the title of the proposed Thesis / Dissertation work or Research Project work
Culture Name and Strain detail: [To choose culture, please visit our website]
Strain Name
Strain Number
D.D. in favor of Director, NFMC at the rate of Rs. {{showGSTAmount(selectedCategory)}}/- per strain (Details):
✶ Any publications / Presentations that involve our cultures by your group, National Repository for Micro algae and Cyanobacteria (Sponsored by DBT, Govt. of India) should be duly acknowledged, and send us a copy of the same. Further, the culture must not be given to any others without getting written permission from Director, NFMC.
✶ Certify that the strains will not be used for any other purpose or distribution to any one without the consent of NRMC other than the specific purpose mentioned in your letter. In case of any commercial use, for any of the strains received, another MoU has to be signed between your company/ Institution and NRMC on terms and conditions decided on that point of time. Until a MoU is signed, NRMC has the right to use the strain in any way it likes.
Signature of Principal Investigator / Head of the Department