Renuga Duraisamy , Palanisamy U Maheswari , Kadhar M M Sheriffa Begum , Dharmar Prabaharan (2021) TrizbenzIm, Cu-Trizbenzim and Zn-Trizbenzim as G-Quadruplex Inducing and Stabilizing Compounds on Human Telomeric Sequence and their Anticancer Properties. Anticancer Agents Medicinal Chemistry. (I.F. 2.556)
Vijayaraghavan Rashmi, Arulraj Darshana, Thangaraj Bhuvaneshwari, Sushanta Kumar Saha, Lakshmanan Uma, Dharmar Prabaharan (2021) Uranium adsorption and oil emulsification by extracellular polysaccharide (EPS) of a halophilic Unicellular marine cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongatus BDU 130911 Current Research in Green and Sustainable Chemistry. 4:100051 (I.F. 3.0)
Mohandass ShylajaNaciyar, Lakshmanan Karthick, Peter Arul Prakasam, Garlapati Deviram, Lakshmanan Uma, Dharmar Prabaharan, Sushanta Kumar Saha (2020). Diversity of Glutathione S-Transferases (GSTs) in Cyanobacteria with Reference to Their Structures, Substrate Recognition and Catalytic Functions. Microorganisms. 8, 712. (I.F. 4.167)
Uma V S, Dineshbabu Gnanasekaran , Uma Lakshmanan, Prabaharan Dharmar (2020) Survey and isolation of marine cyanobacteria from eastern coast of India as a biodiesel feedstock Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology. 24 - 101541(I.F. 2.14)
Gnanasekaran Dineshbabu, Lakshmanan Uma, Dharmar Prabaharan (2019) The differential carbon-fixing and nitrogen- assimilating enzyme activities of Oscillatorian marine cyanobacterium Phormidium valderianum BDU 20041. Photosynthetica. 57(2):475-482 (I.F. 1.740)
Shan Ahamed Tharifkhan, Darshana Arulraj, Dineshbabu Gnanasekaran, Deviram Garlapati, Uma Lakshmanan, Dharmar Prabaharan (2018) A study on carbon fixing enzymes in psychrophilic and mesophilic cyanobacterium Nostoc sp.,under temperature regimes. International journal of basic and applied research 8(9) :2278-0505
Shan Ahamed Tharifkhan, Deviram Garlapati, Dharshana Arulraj, Mathumathy Murugesan, Uma Lakshmanan, Dharmar Prabaharan (2018) Growth and Nitrogen (N) Metabolizing Enzymes of Mesophilic and Psychrophilic Heterocystous Cyanobacteria—In Response to Temperature Regimes. Research & Reviews: A Journal of Life Sciences. 8(3) : 2348-9545.
Darshana Arulraj, Rashmi Vijayaraghavan, Deviram Garlapati, Shan Ahamed Tharifkhan, Prabaharan Dharmar,
Uma Lakshmanan (2018) Identification of Potential Marine Filamentous Heterocyst Cyanobacterium Producing Higher EPS Coupled with Higher Viscosity. International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology. 6 (4): 3474-3479
Thangavel Mathimani, Lakshmanan Uma, Dharmar Prabaharan (2018) Formulation of low-cost seawater medium for high cell density and high lipid content of Chlorella vulgaris BDUG 91771 using central composite design in biodiesel perspective Journal of Cleaner Production. 198 : 575-586 (I.F. 9.297)
Rashmi Vijayaraghavan, Vaishnavi Ellappan, Uma Lakshmanan, Prabaharan Dharmar (2018) Preferential adsorption of uranium by functional groups of the marine unicellular cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongatus BDU130911. 3 Biotech 8(3):170. (I.F. 1.361)
Devanesan Arul Ananth, Zipora Tietel, G. Smilin Bell Aseervatham, Deviram Garlapati, Thilagar Sivasudha (2018) Phytochemical and pharmacological status of indigenous medicinal plant Pedalium murex L.—A review. Journal of Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy. 103 (1456-1463) (I.F. 2.759)
Azhaham Perumal Saravanan, Thangavel Mathimani, Garlapati Deviram, Karthik Rajendrand, Arivalagan Pugazhendhi (2018) Biofuel policy in India: A review of policy barriers in sustainable marketing of biofuel. Journal of Cleaner Production. 193:734-747 (I.F. 5.715)
Thangavel Mathimani, Duraisamy Bhumathi, Tharifkhan Shan Ahamed, Gnanasekaran Dineshbabu, Garlapati Deviram, Lakshmanan Uma, Dharmar Prabaharan, (2017) Semicontinuous outdoor cultivation and efficient harvesting of marine Chlorella vulgaris BDUG 91771 with minimum solid co-precipitation and high floc recovery for biodiesel. Energy Conversion and Management 149, 13-25 (I.F 4.801)
Bhuvaneshwari Thangaraj, Diana Princey Rajasekar, Rashmi Vijayaraghavan, Deviram Garlapati, Arul Ananth Devanesan, Uma Lakshmanan, Prabaharan Dharmar (2017). Cytomorphological and nitrogen metabolic enzyme analysis of psychrophilic and mesophilic Nostoc sp.: a comparative outlook. 3 Biotech 7(2):107 (I.F -0.992)
Thangavel Mathimani, Lakshmanan Uma, Dharmar Prabaharan (2017) Optimization of direct solvent lipid extraction kinetics on marine trebouxiophycean alga by central composite design – Bioenergy perspective. Energy Conversion and Management. 142, 334 – 346. (I.F 4.8)
Bhuvaneshwari T, Shylajanaciyar M, Arul Prakasam P, Ezhilmaran K, Karthick L, Subramanian G, Uma L, Prabaharan D (2016). Polyphasic analysis for elucidating the taxonomic position of selected unicellular marine cyanobacteria from Indian and Hong Kong coast. Phytotaxa 307 (4): 263–277 (I.F 1.797)
Gnanasekaran Dineshbabu, Vaithyalingam Shanmugasundaram Uma, Thangavel Mathimani, Garlapati Deviram, Devanesan Arul Ananth, Dharmar Prabaharan, Lakshmanan Uma (2016). On-site concurrent carbon dioxide sequestration from flue gas and calcite formation in ossein effluent by a marine cyanobacterium Phormidium valderianum BDU 20041. Energy Conversion and Management, 0196-8904. (I.F 4.801)
Karthick L, Arul Prakasam P, Shylajanaciyar M, Sangeetha V, Prabaharan D, Uma L (2015). R and Shiny based application platform for cyanobacterial genome analysis. Bioinformation 11(9): 422–425 (I.F. 0.6).
Arul Prakasam P, Karthick L, Shylaja Naciyar M, Sangeetha V, Sivasudha T, Kaleel AhamedA, Prabaharan D, Subramanian G, Uma L (2015). Cyanobacterial KnowledgeBase (CKB), a compendium of cyanobacterial genomes and proteomes. PLoS ONE 10(8): e0316262 (I.F. 3.234).
Mathimani T, Uma L, Prabaharan D (2015). Homogeneous acid catalysed transesterification of marine microalga Chlorella sp. BDUG 91771 lipid - An efficient biodiesel yield and its characterization. Renewable Energy 81: 523 - 533 (I.F. 3.361).
Shylajanaciyar M, Dineshbabu G, Rajalakshmi R, Subramanian G, Prabaharan D, Uma L (2015). Analysis and elucidation of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase in cyanobacteria. The Protein Journal 34-1: 73-81 (I.F. 1.039).
Uma VS, Dineshbabu G, Subramanian G, Uma L, Prabaharan D (2014). Biocalcification mediated remediation of calcium rich ossein effluent by filamentous marine cyanobacteria. Journal of Bioremediation & Biodegradation 5:7.
Rashmi V, ShylajaNaciyar M, Rajalakshmi R, D'Souza SF, Prabaharan D, Uma L (2012). Siderophore mediated uranium sequestration by marine cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongatus BDU 130911. Bioresource Technology 130: 204-210 (I.F. 4.98).
Swaminathan P, Kannan K, Uma L (2012). Tannase activity from the marine cyanobacterium Phormidium valderianum BDU 140441. Journal of Applied Phycology 24(5): 1093-1098 (I.F. 2.411).
Priya B, Uma L, Khaleel Ahamed A, Subramanian G, Prabaharan D (2011). Ability to use the diazo dye, C.I. Acid Black 1 as a nitrogen source by the marine cyanobacterium Oscillatoria curviceps BDU 92191. Bioresource Technology 102: 7218-7223 (I.F. 4.365).
Swaminathan P, Uma L (2011). Role of copper in poly R-478 decolorization by the marine cyanobacterium Phormidium valderianum BDU 140441. World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology 27(3): 669-677 (I.F. 1.532).
Priya B, Sivaprasanth RK, Jensi VD, Uma L, Subramanian G, Prabaharan D (2010). Characterization of manganese superoxide dismutase from a marine cyanobacterium Leptolyngbya valderiana BDU 20041. Saline Systems 6:6 (I.F. 3.09).
Prabaharan D, Arun Kumar D, Uma L, Subramanian G (2010). Dark hydrogen production in nitrogen atmosphere - an approach for sustainability by marine cyanobacterium Leptolyngbya valderiana BDU 20041. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 35: 10725-10730 (I.F. - 4.053)
Swaminathan P, Saha SK, Uma L (2010). Laccase and polyphenol oxidase activities of marine cyanobacteria: a study with Poly R-478 decolourization. World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology 26: 63-69 (I.F. 1.532).
Saha SK, Swaminathan P, Raghavan C, Uma L, Subramanian G (2010). Ligninolytic and antioxidative enzymes of a marine cyanobacterium Oscillatoria willei BDU 130511 during Poly R-478 decolourization. Bioresource Technology 101(9): 3076-84 (I.F. 4.39).
Chellapandi P, Prabaharan D, Uma L. (2010). Evaluation of methanogenic activity of biogas plant slurry for monitoring co-digestion of ossein factory waters and cyanobacterial biomass. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 162: 524-535 (I.F. 1.749)
Premanandh J, Priya B, Prabaharan D, Uma L (2009). Genetic heterogeneity of the marine cyanobacterium Leptolyngbya valderiana (Pseudanabaenaceae) evidenced by RAPD molecular markers and 16S rDNA sequence data. Journal of Plankton Research. 31: 1119 -1129 (I.F. 1.749).
Swaminathan P, Prabaharan D, Uma L. (2009). Fate of few pesticide- metabolizing enzymes in the marine cyanobacterium Phormidium valderianum BDU 20041 in perspective with chlopyrifos exposure. Pesticide Physiology and Biochemistry 94: 68-72 (I.F. 1.71).
Uma L, Prabaharan D, Priya B, Subramanian G. (2009). Role of cyanobacterial oxidases in bioremediation- An Overview. In : Algal Biology and Biotechnology. J.I.S. Khattar, D.P. Singh & Gurpreet Kaur (eds.). I.K. International Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi. pp.251-261
Chellapandi P, Prabaharan D, Uma L (2008). A preliminary study on co-digestion of ossein industry waste for methane production. Eurasian Journal of Biosciences 2(13): 110-114.
Prabaharan D, Priya B, Uma L, Subramanian G (2008). Cyanobacteria - a promising candidate for biotechnology. College Sadhana 1(1): 55 – 72.
Rajendran V, Palaniandavar M, Swaminathan P, Uma L (2007). Cleavage of Proteins by a mixed Ligand copper(II) - Phenolate complex: hydrophobicity of Diimine co-ligand promotes cleavage. Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 46:10446-10448 (I.F. - 4.32).
Saha SK, Das R, Bora KN, Uma L (2007). Biodiversity of epilithic cyanobacteria from freshwater streams of Kakoijana reserve forest, Assam. Indian Journal of Microbiology 47: 219 – 232.
Subramanian G, Uma L, Priya B, Prabaharan D (2007). Utilization of microalgae to address pollution problems. Indian Hydrobiology 10(2): 1- 25.
Priya B, Premanandh J, Dhanalakshmi, Seethalakshmi D, Prabaharan D, Uma L (2007). Comparative analysis of cyanobacterial SOD - a canonical form. BMC Genomics 8: 458 (I.F. 4.21).
Swaminathan P, Rajendran V, Palaniandavar M, Uma L (2007). Chromium induced in vivo DNA changes in marine algae Oscilltoria willei BDU 130511. International Journal on Algae 11:394-402.
Premanandh J, Priya B, Teneva I, Balik D, Prabaharan D, Uma L (2006). Molecular characterization of marine cyanobacteria from Indian subcontinent deduced from the sequence analysis of phycocyanin operon (cpcB- IGS- cpcA) and 16S-23S IPS region. Journal of Microbiology 6: 607-616 (I.F. 1.46).
Saha SK, Uma L, Subramanian G (2004). An improved method for marine cyanobacterial DNA isolation. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 21: 877-881 (I.F. - 1.21).
Saha SK, Uma L, Subramanian G (2003). Nitrogen stress induced changes in the marine cyanobacterium Oscillatoria willei BDU 130511. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 45: 263-272 (I.F. 3.408).
Saha SK, Kalib A, Uma L, Prabaharan D, Subramanian G (2003). An inexpensive method for denatured and native multigel in a regular vertical slab gel system. Current Science 84: 27-28.
Uma L, Kalaichelvi S, Manjula R, Subramanian, G, Sanjay N (2002). Biotechnological potential of marine cyanobacteria in waste water treatment: Disinfection of raw sewage by the marine cyanobacterium Oscillatoria willei BDU 130511. Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology. 12: 699-701 (I.F. - 1.22).
Francisca Kalavathi D, Uma L, Subramanian G (2001). Ossein wastes - A potential source of biofuel. Indian Journal of Microbiology 41: 319-320.
Francisca Kalavathi D, Uma L, Subramanian G (2001). Degradation and metabolization of the pigment - melanoidin in distillery effluent by the marine cyanobacterium Oscillatoria boryana BDU 92181. Enzyme and Microbial Technology 29: 246 - 251(I.F. - 2.287)
Subramanian G, Uma L (2001). Potential applications of cyanobacteria in environmental biotechnology. In: Photosynthetic microorganisms in environmental biotechnology. (eds) Kojima H and Lee YK. Springer, 41-49.
Subramanian G, Uma L (2000). Potential application of cyanobacteria in environmental biotechnology. Proceedings of APEC Workshop, Japan. Page 21 -36.
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Uma L, Palanisamy M, Murugaian P, Akbarsha MA, Subramanian G (1998). Novel cyanobacterial feed for frog tadpoles. In: Cyanobacterial Biotechnology ed. by Subramanian, G., Kaushik, B.D. and Venkataraman, G.S. Science Publishers, Inc., U.S.A.
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